okey,then these are our photoes,really nice,yah? haha =)

Our night Meal.
The first day: Sangwo =) ; My comment: really nice,nyammie!
the second day: goreng2an. hhi.we can't have a BBQ because the tool and place were really hard to find,so let's fried something.hhi ; my comment: because we start 7.30 p.m. to cook,finished it on 9 p.m. ,so everybody kept silent and took the meal very very quick.
hungry hungry,espesially the boys,who swimming in the afternoon.
it's really a valuable memory to cook together =)
our first night meal,sangwo!
no alcohol here,just grape juice. =)Our second night meal,"goreng2an"
meatball,sausage,french fries,fried eggs+sausage The Lake toba's view. Awesome!
can u watch the love shape? beside the brighter one
The sand's drawing
written: 29-31 july 2011
Anlie,Brian,Elvia,Kevin,Mita,and actually there were 2: Frederica and ryan.
This is unfinished drawing.we went to carolina hotel,just beside our hotel
just use 5 minutes to go to there
take a meal and also don't forget to take some pict!
hihihih Candid by my friend,mita
i also candid some of them
tada...We call his glasses,"serangga"
hhihi..and took a pict on his bling bling glasses.hihihihiThese are not candid anymore,just memorable pict plus the beautiful view
and in the ship,i finished my rubick,for the first time.
i asked my friend to teach me la.
it's really nice to solve my first rubick
gotta memorized the algoritma formula =p
~Happy Vacation All~
wkikikkk...cieh2...waiting for d next vacation ya...(singlish-mania);)
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